Narrations, Poem

Entangled into Sweet Reminisce

Eyes full of dreams Vision full of hope, Chasing to start something new; This girl, optimistic but not so naive Longing to make this cubicle, A part of her life. Sipping tea on a hot set summer day, In a white sparkling attire, Peaceful or nervous? This ink is deprived, about ordeals and Her quagmire… Continue reading Entangled into Sweet Reminisce


Stay Blessed, Let it Be a Happy One!

Every year it comes & goes. You're Special, The Day knows. Wish You a Happy one, You become older, Regrets are none. Fete; Frolic; Gaiety; Jovial, You should be. It's Your Natal Day! It reminds of your better choices And incidents of soul denial. You'd grown rolling the dices. Let Past devour the sins happened,… Continue reading Stay Blessed, Let it Be a Happy One!